Looking after your swimsuit should be an essential part of your post-swim routine. By following the proper methods of: looking after your suit, washing it and storing it, you could save yourself the stresses of having to buy a new suit as your old one is damaged or degraded.


Once you have finished your swim, it is best to wash your swimsuit with a mild soap under tap water. A soap is required as water alone will not remove all traces of chlorine or salt and these will slowly degrade your suit if left.

The use of washing machine and tumble driers is never recommended when washing your swimsuit. The vigorous washing cycle involved with a washing machine will cause damage to the fabric of the suit, resulting in “bobbles” and thread ware. Not only this but washing liquids and powders can cause long terms damage to the fabrics and seams (if bonded)


When drying your swimsuit you must be patient. It is import to allow the suit to dry naturally, away from any heat source or direct sunlight. Ensure your swimsuit does not dry while it is still in a bag or box as this will cause your suit to dry into an unnatural shape. Once it is completely dry, it can then be returned into its packaging or your swim bag.

Using a source of heat or direct sunlight can cause damage to your swimsuit such as fading and the breakdown of the elastic. This means your swimsuit will not live out its full life cycle.

If you swim regularly and find your swimsuit is not dry before your next swim, we recommend buying a second costume so you always have one ready.

Other Useful Tips

Buy the correct material: Popular brands all offer a highly durable range of suits, usually constructed from what is know as “PBT” (Polybutylene Terephthalate) PBT swimsuits are a delicate blend of polyester and PBT. It results in a highly chlorine resistant fabric as maintains its shape and colour longer than tradition swimwear. Extra life lycra is also available from manufacturers, which also offers an excellent resistance to the effects of chlorine. Keep a lookout for these materials in our range of training swimwear.

Clean after EVERY swim: Even if you have only been for a quick dip, the same amount of chlorine will be on your suit regardless of the time spent in the pool. Rinsing your swimsuit following the instructions above is vital and is the key to a long lasting swimsuit.

Keep extra suits: Not only do you never want to be caught short at the pool without your swimsuit, but having a second suit while your first one is drying is a great way to keep the lifespan of the suit long. Some swimmers always have two suits with them incase one becomes damaged. We always think that you can never have too many swimsuits!

Care for your suit while you use it: Avoid the embarrassment of ripping your new suit at the pool and just keep an eye out for potential hazards. Sitting on the edge of a pool is a big no no, the rough nature of the tiled edge is designed for grip when you're standing there, and it will easily grip your suit enough to rip a hole in it. Not only the edge of the pool but go careful how you pull it out of your bag, zips can easily rip their way through your new suit. You can never be too careful!

Your swimsuit is for swimming! If you're looking for a costume to lay out on a sunbed in, then do not use your regular swimming costume. Not only can the sun damage the colours and fibres. But if you’ve just been for a dip, the accelerated drying process will do more harm than good. A good waterproof sun cream is great for swimming outdoors, however even then oils in suncream can damage your suit so avoid getting excessive sun cream on your suit.
Baths and hot tubs can cause extensive damage to your suit, the chemical’s and soaps used will degrade your suit as fast as chlorine does when combined with the heat.

Our final top tip is to please be careful with how you store your suit after your swim, the tradition of wrapping your suit in a towel is a very bad habit, the chlorine and other pool chemicals will soak into your towel. We always recommend using the wet compartment of your bag or a separate mesh bag for your suit. A mesh bag will allow your suit to begin drying in the natural air after it has been rinsed off.

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